Company Information


Liviu Achim

Veseud No. 11
Comuna Chirpar, Sibiu, Rumänien

Telefon +40 (0) 369 820 180

Technical realisation:

creativpartner Agentur für Werbung und Marketing GmbH, Deggendorf
All content (text, images, logos, videos etc.) provided by Motel Inn GmbH.
Updates are provided by the customer.

Image rights:
Fotolia usage rights acquired by Haindl konzept & design,
Property of Iris Haindl, Adolf-Kolpingstr. 34, Simbach am Inn
Ernst Daxberger –

All data and other information contained in this homepage has been carefully prepared by Motel Inn and is regularly updated. Motel Inn assumes no liability, however, for the completeness or relevancy of the data and other information provided. Any liability claims against Motel Inn relating to damage of any kind which are caused by the use of data or information supplied, are excluded, provided that no demonstrable negligence is present on behalf of Motel Inn. All offers are subject to change. Motel Inn reserves the explicit right to perform complete or partial changes or deletions to this site without further notice.

All images, design, content and coding for this website are subject to general copyright protection and intellectual property protection. The distribution of any kind (analogue/digital) and the use of any text or images used on this site are not permitted without the prior written consent of Motel Inn.

Veseud nr. 11 ·
Comuna Chirpar, Sibiu / Rumänien ·
Tel. 0040/733/970626 · Tel. 0040/369/820180 ·
Lucretia Grenner ·